Frames Data Blog

Barcode Scanning 101

Written by Nichola Liboro | June 1, 2015 at 5:03 PM

You might have heard that Frames Data Online is compatible with your everyday barcode scanners. This makes searching for frames even easier and more convenient. Here are answers to some basic questions you may have on this new feature.

Q: What is the best barcode scanner to use with Frames Data?
A: Whichever one you like! Frames Data is compatible with any scanner. Nothing fancy is required. If you plan on using it with your practice management software, be sure to call your software vendor to see if they prefer a more specific barcode scanner.

Q: I don’t have a barcode scanner! Where can I buy one?
A: You can buy it in any electronic or office supply store. We also found a range of scanners you can purchase on Amazon and eBay!

Q: What kind of scanner should I get? A wired or a wireless one?
A: Both wired and wireless scanners will work great with Frames Data. One thing Bluetooth wireless scanners have over wired ones is that it gives you the freedom to walk over to your frame board and scan UPC codes unencumbered.

Q: I’m having trouble connecting my barcode scanner to my computer. How do I do it?
A: Try following the steps on this guide. If you’re still having difficulties, try calling your barcode scanner’s technical support department.

Q: What are the benefits of using a barcode scanner with Frames Data Online?
A: It makes searching for frames easier and much faster! In FrameSearch, you can look up a specific frame to see what other sizes and colors it comes in. Under PriceSearch, you can scan up to 25 UPC codes at a time to check for the most up-to-date wholesale prices of the frames on your board.

Q: Can I use my barcode scanner with my practice management software?
A: Most practice management software are barcode scanner compatible. To know for sure, you can give the customer service department of your software vendor a call. Please note that different software vendors may require a specific model to be used with their software.