Frames Data Blog

Frames Data Meets Compulink - A How to Guide

Written by Nichola Liboro | September 28, 2015 at 9:00 AM
Are you a Compulink User? Check this out.

Here's a quick tutorial on how to use your Frames Data SPEX UPC with Compulink.

1. After putting the SPEX UPC disc in your computer, open Computer to see what drive the disc is on. Keep note of the drive letter, you'll need it later!

2. Open Compulink.

3. Click Utility -> Miscellaneous Database Utilities -> Optical Utilities -> Frames Data Update

4. Remember the drive letter from step 1? Enter it  in and hit OK.

5. Click OK in the pop-up window that appears.

6. The data should be loading into Compulink. This might take about 20 mins or so to complete.

Once the process is finished, you're good to go! If you run into any problems, feel free to reach out to technical support at 800-821-6069 Ext. 1 or email