If you use OfficeMate, you may be able use either Frames Data Quarterly DVD or SPEX UPC. With the quarterly, you receive 4 DVDs per year, a monthly Price book and the ability to see frame images inside OfficeMate’s interface as well as on www.framesdata.com. SPEX UPC is paperless, so pricing and all frame details are delivered on a monthly disc that loads into your software. There are no frame images included directly on the SPEX UPC disc, but with either product you can view images on www.framesdata.com.
In general, we recommend SPEX UPC because it is updated more frequently than the Quarterly DVD, and that means you’ll have less data entry work to do. Also, some recent versions of OfficeMate are not compatible with the Quarterly; if you are using OfficeMate Version 9.0 or an enterprise version 2.0, you will need to use SPEX UPC. If in doubt, check with OfficeMate to see which product they recommend.
For more information, visit www.framesdata.com/resources.aspx
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