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3 Videos that explain the value of Frames Data

Tom Doyle
by Tom Doyle on August 12, 2024 at 3:25 PM

These videos explain how different optical industry stakeholders use Frames Data to improve their businesses.

Video #1: Frames Data: helping the entire industry stay efficient and profitable.
Across the optical industry, Frames Data is used by independent practices, optical labs, frame companies, managed care and more.  Wherever detailed product information is needed, you'll find Frames Data working in the background, quietly improving the process for all.



Video #2: Stay Competitive with My Frame Gallery by Frames Data
Why your optical dispensary should use My Frame Gallery by Frames Data.



Video #3: Independent practices manage inventory for profit and efficiency with Frames Data
Frames Data helps dispensaries cut down on data entry, which saves time, makes inventory more accurate, and reduces unnecessary waste caused by errors and duplicate entries.




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Tom Doyle
Written by Tom Doyle
Tom Doyle is Frames Data’s Director of Marketing & Key Accounts, and has been working as a marketer within the optical industry for over 10 years. In that time he’s worked with many software companies on new integrations, and has developed an understanding of what works and what doesn’t. Tom is also keenly interested in productivity methodology, the color orange used in marketing, and karaoke. He is also a die-hard cat person.
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