Updating My Frame Gallery is easier than ever with this new program that updates your brands for you.
Want to keep the detail work of maintaining your online frame gallery to a minimum? Our Automatic Brand Update program allows you to keep your gallery updated with current frames, without making manual changes.
Here's how it works:
Once you enroll in the program, we will enable a weekly automatic update on your Gallery for any brand that is currently included on your Gallery. Going forward your Frame Gallery will display all active frames from your brand list. You will no longer need to update your gallery manually.

Things to consider:
Keep in mind that this update will effect all brands on your gallery, and again, will include all frames in those brands. Enrolling in this program means you will no longer choose frames at the style or collection level, only the brand.
Therefore, if previously you had only 2 frames from a brand that actually includes a total of 50, you'll now have all 50 displaying on your gallery after the Saturday update.
If you delete some but not all frames from a brand, your deletions will be overwritten once the weekly refresh is run.
Also, any frames that don't have an image will be automatically eliminated from your Gallery during the update in order to maintain a consistent appearance.
The updates take place on Saturdays, so it may be several days before you notice a change.
Next steps:
To enroll in this program, email your name, practice name and your My Frame Gallery account number (if you have it handy!) to techsupport@framesdata.com. Include a note requesting to be enrolled in the Automatic Brand Update program.
If you have not yet set up your Gallery, you will need to complete the set-up process, being sure to add at least one frame from the brands you wish to display. When the automatic updates take effect, all active frames from all brands already represented on your gallery will display.
Alternatively, if you are a new My Frame Gallery account, complete the set-up, but skip the add/edit and review frames sections, going directly to the Publish tab. Then, after you publish your gallery, supply a list of brands with a request to enroll in the Automatic Update Program to technical support, and we will add them for you.
For more information, please contact tech support at 1-800-821-6069 ext 1, or email techsupport@framesdata.com.
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