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Link to your Appointment Calendar

Tom Doyle
by Tom Doyle on January 12, 2021 at 10:00 AM
New feature:  Add a "Book an Appointment" button to your Gallery.
Can your patients schedule an appointment online?  My Frame Gallery users can now link to their existing appointment calendar pages from their Gallery.
If your practice uses an online appointment scheduling software (for example, Solutionreach, Weave or Demandforce), or in some way allows patients to schedule from a webpage, you can now add a "Book an Appointment" button to your main Gallery page.
This feature is available for all My Frame Gallery sites, and will give visitors that are engaging with your Gallery a new opportunity to find your scheduler and make an appointment. 
Most importantly, pointing people back to your scheduler will help convert visitors to patients, and patients to returning loyal customers.
It's simple to implement. Here's how:
Step 1:  Log in at and navigate to the My Frame Gallery Setup & Management page, which will take you to the Settings tab. 

Step 2:  Scroll down to the Book Appointment Button section.
Step 3:  Enter the URL of your online appointment scheduler (the webpage where you send your patients to schedule appointments) where indicated.
Make sure you include the full url, including the "https://" part at the beginning.  In other words, it should look like the thumbs up example below:
👍   This example is correct!
👎  This example is incorrect.
👎  This example is incorrect.
Step 4:  Save your settings (at the top or bottom of the page).
That's it!  You will now see a new "Book an Appointment" button at the top of the page, next to the "Search Frames" icon.
If you do not want the button to appear, or if you do not have a web based appointment scheduler, simply leave the field blank.
Questions?  Email us at or call 1-800-821-6069 ext 1.




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Tom Doyle
Written by Tom Doyle
Tom Doyle is Frames Data’s Director of Marketing & Key Accounts, and has been working as a marketer within the optical industry for over 10 years. In that time he’s worked with many software companies on new integrations, and has developed an understanding of what works and what doesn’t. Tom is also keenly interested in productivity methodology, the color orange used in marketing, and karaoke. He is also a die-hard cat person.
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