WaveRFID and Frames Data - the Dream Team of Inventory Management
The integration of WaveRFID with Frames Data unlocks a game-changing tool that simplifies your business processes and maximizes...
Quick Start: We'll set up your Gallery!
Subscribers can opt to have Frames Data set up their Gallery in a "Quick Start" set up program at no extra charge. These...
How to manage inventory and increase your bottom line
Why an accurate frame inventory is beneficial to your bottom line, the difficulties in maintaining that inventory, and how...
My Frame Gallery Links Virtual Reality and Opticianry
The online frame gallery gives patients more time to browse outside of the office, while saving time for eye care professionals...
My Frame Gallery Spring 2023 Update
We've re-envisioned the Wish List and re-named it as "Favorites". We've also launched several new layout improvements with an...
New in Frames Data - Spring Edition
A summary of brands we've added to Frames Data over the last several months
Using Crystal PM to update My Frame Gallery
The folks at Crystal Practice Management have made it extremely easy to export an inventory file that can be used to populate...
Should I Order Frames for Patient Approval?
If you are going to place orders for patients to view (with no commitment for purchase), you’ll need a written procedure that...
New Spring Splash Pages are here!
It's time to update your Gallery for the season, and we've posted several new Spring stock pages to make it easy to add some...
Visit Booth #P469 at Vision Expo East 2023
Heading to New York City for Vision Expo? Here's what you'll find at the Frames Data booth #P469.
Are online retailers stealing your patients on Facebook?
In one short session on Facebook, I saw dozens of ads to buy glasses online.
Introducing: Price Book Update (It's digital!)
Price Book Update will contain New and Changed wholesale pricing, and will be produced in alternating months beginning with the...
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